First Nations Resources
Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc (VAEAI) is the peak state-wide Aboriginal community-controlled organisation for vocational education and training in Victoria. VAEAI works with Aboriginal communities to build success in education and training.
The Toorong Marnong unit of VAEAI works collaboratively with universities and communities to increase Indigenous participation and success in tertiary education.
Indigenous Higher Education Units | National Indigenous Australians Agency ( lists universities across Victoria and Australia that have dedicated support units for Indigenous students.
The Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan is a strategy between Koorie communities and the Victorian Department of Education and Training to ensure all Koorie Victorians achieve their learning aspirations. Marrung includes a scholarship program, offered each year to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students planning to study Years 11 and 12 in a Victorian Government school.
Deadly Story has resources and supports available for Aboriginal children and young people in education, as well as lots of ways to learn about and engage in culture.
The Koorie Youth Council (KYC) is the representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in Victoria. The KYC advocates to government and community to advance the rights and representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.
Marram Nganyin (we are strong) is a program delivering mentoring opportunities for Aboriginal young people (12-25 years old) via local Aboriginal services.
Ngaga-dji (hear me) - the Ngaga-dji project voices the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Victoria’s youth justice system. Ngaga-dji is driving the change Victoria’s youth justice system needs to enable Aboriginal children to thrive in their communities.
The Clontarf Academies help young Aboriginal men to attend school, finish Year 12 and enter employment.