Danny’s Story

Plumbing apprentice Danny’s living situation has been unstable since leaving out-of-home care on his 18th birthday. 

“Most kids leaving care are less concerned about their education and more worried about where they’re going to sleep or when their next meal will be”

Danny wanted to pursue further study to help fulfill his childhood dream of getting a job that would one day enable him to travel and buy his own home. 

His education journey began at Swinburne when he took part in the four day Try-a-Trade program in 2016. When the program was brought to his attention by a job support agency, he was unsure of what he wanted to do career-wise and thought at the very least it would help him meet his obligations as a job seeker. 

To his surprise, he enjoyed trying a different trade each day over the four days and committed to a 10-week pre-apprenticeship in plumbing. 

“I realised doing a trade might be something I would enjoy and it would also create a pathway for me to achieve some of my childhood dreams” 

During the last week of his pre-apprenticeship, Danny was approached by his teacher with a job opportunity. His application was successful and he continues to work for the same employer today, while he completes his Certificate IV in Plumbing. Once he’s a qualified plumber, Danny plans to pursue further education in either building or engineering. 

Danny believes the biggest issue is actually getting young people in care and care leavers to consider tertiary education in the first place. 

“I don’t have advice for those entertaining the idea of studying, because most are not”

Instead, he urges those who aren’t considering tertiary education, to take responsibility for themselves and understand that when they turn 18, there may not be anyone to support them but themselves. 

“How can they expect to achieve any of their dreams if they don’t go to school and gain the necessary qualifications to get a good job or make more than just minimum wage for the rest of their lives?”

This post is adapted with permission from an article by Bachelor of Media and Communication (Public Relations) student, Kaitlyn Blanchard. Read her article here. In early 2020, Danny won the Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC) World…

This post is adapted with permission from an article by Bachelor of Media and Communication (Public Relations) student, Kaitlyn Blanchard. Read her article here.

In early 2020, Danny won the Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC) World Plumbing Day Plumbing Apprentice Skills award, a huge achievement! 


Sue’s Story


Georgia’s Story